Jaroslav Pantůček becomes new CFO of MVV

From July 19th 2018, Jaroslav Pantůček becomes the new Member of the Board of Directors of the Czech energy group MVV Energie CZ a.s. He will be responsible for Finance and Information Technologies in the group.

"I am glad to contribute my extensive experience in the Czech as well as the foreign energy market to the company," says Jaroslav Pantůček. "Our Board is now complete and we will focus on the future development of our energy group," adds Jörg Lüdorf, CEO of MVV.

Jaroslav Pantůček worked in top management positions of international companies. Over seventeen years, he has been in the top management of energy company MERO ČR and in MVV group, he was in a Board of Directors in Teplárna Liberec, ČESKOLIPSKÁ TEPLÁRENSKÁ a Českolipské teplo. He studied economics at VŠE. He is married, has four children and his hobby is sport.

The energy group MVV Energie CZ comprises fifteen subsidiaries and operates in fifteen towns throughout the Czech Republic. The group's parent company is MVV Energie CZ a.s., which was established in October 1993 and since 1999, the company has been a subsidiary of MVV Energie, a German energy group, based in Mannheim, Germany. The three main pillars of MVV's strategy are the production and distribution of heat, combined high-performance electricity generation, and waste to energy production.

Jitka Tůmová


Sídlo MVV Energie CZ a.s.
Kačírkova 982/4, 158 00 Praha 5 - Jinonice