MVV News: Coronavirus brought us together. We are developing further cooperation with cities and preparing new products
What did the quarantine and covid-19 measures at MVV look like in our regions? What does the corona crisis mean for the economy, and the further direction of MVV? And how is it that the virus did not slow down the preparation of a number of new innovative projects? You can read all about it in this year's issue of MVV magazine.
However, the pandemic is far from the only issue considered in the vision and plans for the future of our group. These have been repeatedly expressed by our CEO Jörg Lüdorf, who points out that innovations in the field of energy can help the Czech Republic meet its climate commitments.
In many respects, this is already happening, as described in articles devoted to new projects in the field of renewable resources or greening operations in several cities. In the same theme there is an article addressing the most successful year of the MVV Energy Services Division, which is implementing larger and larger EPC (Energy Performance Contracting) projects.
And, as usual, there are a number of news items from subsidiaries and the headquarters in Prague (newly in Waltrovka), as well as a space dedicated to employees, and this time also a novelty in the form of the MVV online mobile application.