The ENETIQA group has grown. Liberec heating plant has completed its acquisition of WARMNIS

Teplárna Liberec, a. s., a member of the energy group ENETIQA, has successfully completed the acquisition of WARMNIS spol. s.r.o., which became its subsidiary from 31 December 2024.


Teplárna Liberec joins WARMNIS as a strategic partner, providing it with a strong and stable background. The ENETIQA Group offers not only a solid foundation for further growth and development, but a strong platform for the continued expansion and strengthening of the business activities of both companies. "I am delighted that WARMNIS has become part of ENETIQA group. If we want to be a reliable partner for the city of Liberec and other cities, and to be part of the energy transformation process, we must offer decentralized solutions in addition to central heating, for places where central heating is not possible. For this, we need not only modern technologies, but to expand our group of experts for their implementation," says Jörg Lüdorf, chairman of ENETIQA a.s.


The transaction represents an important milestone in Teplárna Liberec's strategy, expanding the portfolio of services provided and strengthening its market position in the field of energy services: "This acquisition is in line with Teplárna Liberec's long-term vision, which includes the development of decentralized energy supply solutions. It will enable us to better respond to the demand for flexible and sustainable solutions, at the same time providing customers with a wider and more comprehensive portfolio of services," said Ing. Jan Sedláček, Chairman of the Board of Teplárna Liberec and new CEO of WARMNIS.


WARMNIS is a technical engineering company providing comprehensive services in the field of energy and thermal technology, especially heat, natural gas and electricity supply. It has operated on the market for more than thirty years.


"The acquisition was made so as to maintain the continuity of WARMNIS' daily operations. All activities will continue in their current regimes, including the organizational and employee structure, the provision of client service and support, and the fulfilment of all obligations arising from contracts with partners and customers. Currently, there are no changes in operations or internal processes," added Ing. Petr Boukal, vice-chairman of the board of Teplárny Liberec and the new executive of WARMNIS.



The ENETIQA energy group consists of 19 companies focusing on the production and supply of heat and electricity, with operations in fifteen cities of the Czech Republic. The group is also engaged in high-efficiency electricity production, energy utilization of waste, energy consultancy, water management and the provision of electronic communications services. ENETIQA also implements energy saving projects, especially with the EPC method. It offers its more than 500 employees interesting and stable employment in the regions.


The Liberec heating plant supplies thermal energy to more than 13,000 households mainly in Liberec housing estates, almost 130 customers from the tertiary sector and a dozen industrial enterprises. It is technologically connected to the neighbouring TERMIZO waste thermal treatment facility, which provides it with two-thirds of the energy needed for heat production.

Ing. Miloš Adámek


Sídlo MVV Energie CZ a.s.
Kačírkova 982/4, 158 00 Praha 5 - Jinonice