Profile and history
History of the Company
Since 9 December 2022, the company has been part of the ENETIQA concern, controlled by Cube III Energy S.à r.l, which is part of the independent European investment group Cube Infrastructure Managers focused on medium-sized infrastructure projects.
Activities of the Company
ENETIQA Group companies in particular operate in the field of heat generation and distribution. The ENETIQA Group also produces electricity in eleven towns of the Czech Republic. Some of the subsidiaries also provide water management services and supply electronic telecommunications services and other services.
ENETIQA a.s. has the most experience with the implementation of energy efficiency projects in the Czech Republic. In addition to projects employing EPC (Energy Performance Contracting), it also offers monitoring and targeting, energy contracting, outsourcing, energy audits, implementation of PPP projects (Public Private Partnerships) and the operation of energy sources to its customers throughout the country.
Energy Production
The company's motto is "Responsible Energy". The main sources of energy production in the ENETIQA Group are environmental sources; especially natural gas. The geothermal source of energy operated by TERMO Děčín a.s. since 2002 is a unique project in the Czech Republic. TERMIZO a.s. joined the ENETIQA Group as of July 2011. It deals with energy-efficient use of waste.
Customers of the ENETIQA Group
Our customers in fifteen cities across the Czech Republic are households, small and large companies and municipalities.