Subsidiary companies
The energy group ENETIQA operates in fifteen towns of the Czech Republic, especially in the regions of Moravia, North Bohemia and Vysočina.
The Group went through a period of major expansion in 2000 - 2002 with other companies joining it in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2022 and 2024.
Organizational structure of the Group
ENETIQA a.s. 100 %
CTZ s.r.o. 50,96 %
Českolipské teplo a.s. 100 % ČESKOLIPSKÁ TEPLÁRENSKÁ a.s. 75 % s.r.o. 100 %
ENERGIE Holding a.s. 100 % Teplárna Liberec, a.s. 76,04 %
ENETIQA GmbH 100 %
ENETIQA Trading s.r.o. 100 %
G-LINDE s.r.o. 100 %
G-RONN s.r.o. 100 %
IROMEZ s.r.o. 100 %
OPATHERM a.s. 100 %
POWGEN a.s. 100 %
TERMIZO a.s. 100 %
TERMO Děčín a.s. 96,91 %